Popular Nollywood actress, and filmmaker, Olwaseyi Edun has celebrated her colleague, Bimbo Oshin on her birthday today. She took to her Instagram page to share adorable pictures with Bimbo Oshin to celebrate her birthday as she turned a year older. I wish her a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
Bimbo Oshin is a Nigerian Nollywood actress, Mother, Movie producer, Filmmaker, Brand ambassador, and Brand influencer. She was born on July 24, some years ago marks her birthday celebrations today. She is a fantastic actress, who knows how to act and interpret roles very well. She has featured in several Yoruba films.She was seeing in the lovely pictures with the celebrant in an iexcitement mood, smiling and embrace each other very tight, as they posed for the camera in styles.
She said in her post Happy birthday mo mma, I wish you the biggest joy and happiness in this special day. May the day be magical , and your whole life be wonderful, I wish you, excellent health, blooming beauty, inexhaustible kindness, and daily joy my momma. Thank you for being my Godmother. May God bless you on this beautiful occasion and on all the coming years.
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